FRIP InDesign and Outreach Department brings First Response training to underserved communities and corporations. They conduct workshops in remote areas and for corporate sectors, banks, and factories. Their outreach extends to rural areas across Pakistan.
Up keeping FRIP’s ethos to make First Response and First-Aid skills accessible to people belonging to every walk of life, the FRIP InDesign and Outreach Department deals with the vital task of extending this knowledge to the most distant aspects of our society.
FRIP Outreach deals with training communities that have minimal access to healthcare or concept of emergency response, including remote areas outside Karachi. FRIP InDesign deals with workshops in the corporate sector, banks, and factories. We have also voluntarily instructed in many rural areas of Pakistan including: Thatta- Garhi Khero, Mithi, Tando Muhammad Khan, Chachro and Sehwan Sharif- the target of a bomb blast, where we had coincidentally and fortunately conducted a workshop prior to the devastating incident.
Rehri Goth, Ibrahim Haidry, and Moach Goth amongst other low-income/high risk populations are also examples of where FRIP goes to train communities that are underdeveloped, underprivileged and have minimal access to healthcare or concept of emergency response. The FRIP team has also travelled to Sehwan Shareef, Ghari Khiro and multiple districts of Thar to impart knowledge of first response specific to the region. As part of our outreach program, we have also targeted corporate setups including Indus Research Labs, KK Aviation Ltd and SDP Pakistan. The course was tailored to suit that target population.
FRIP InDesign and Outreach has undertaken several projects including:
Keeping in mind the high-risk populations of most suburban areas, coupled with the lack of easy access to basic medical resources, the InDesign and Outreach department felt it was crucial to place greater focus on these populations. Hence, this year we began working on a project specifically aiming to impart First Response Skills to the residents of suburbs and Goths in Karachi and its whereabouts; workshops under this project will be held regularly following a curriculum relevant and specific to the needs of our audience. The first of such workshops was conducted in May 2021 for the residents of Siddiqui Goth.
The Worker’s Curriculum is another project currently in the pipeline under the InDesign Department. Given the fact that industrial workers and laborers are perhaps the most prone to meeting accidents at their workplace, the InDesign department is working on devising a systemized curriculum tailored to cater to the potential hazards and dangers this target population might be exposed to. This extensive curriculum will include all possible hazards faced by industrial workers and laborers, as well as the management/administration bodies of that particular workplace.
In our pursuit of creating a safer and more resilient society, we firmly believe that access to first-response training should be a right, not a privilege. It is our mission to ensure that every Pakistani, regardless of their background or circumstances, has the opportunity to learn and practice life-saving skills. To make first response accessible to everyone, the InDesign and Outreach Department launched the Bano Zimedaar Pakistani project which aims to train every single Pakistani in First Response and CPR training at Pakistan’s first Independent Centre on Resuscitation Education (C.O.R.E). The first Bano Zimedaar Pakistani workshop was conducted in May 2023 followed by three more workshops (one each month) catering to an extremely diverse audience from students, engineers, police officers to housewives and even health inspectors.
Mothers have the most potential to be there to save the lives of those around them. Mothers not only are responsible for their families but are most likely to spread the information they learn through our workshops to others. In line with our ethos of ensuring that every Pakistani has the knowledge of how they can save a life, the InDesign and Outreach department devised the ‘Super Mom Program’, a distinctive, profoundly researched curriculum to cover a specific, high yield set of first response- relevant topics that a mother is likely to face. The first on-ground workshop implementing our Super Mom Curriculum was conducted in June 2023 for the mothers of the Let’s Grow Together Program. This was followed by another on- ground workshop in August.